As from today (20th January 2025), some of our features are closed to new applications

EXHIBITORS: We had a flurry of entries over the weekend, which now means we are fully booked (In fact, we are actually oversubscribed) for indoor entries, exhibits and displays and cannot take anymore applications.

We apologise to those who haven’t got their applications in yet. The official closing date wasn’t until the 1st February, but this year we’ve seen the biggest number of entries ever, breaking all records, and have taken the decision to now close the application process.

TRADERS: The trade stands are almost sold out with a waiting list for certain types of trade, so if you want to take part in the show, please get your trade entries in now before it’s too late – there’s just a few spaces left.

OUTDOOR AUTOJUMBLE: We’ve still a few spaces left outdoors for those wanting to bring second hand parts etc for the Outdoor Vintage Autojumble, which takes place on Sunday. Please contact Rhianne direct if you’re having a clear out and want to take part. Plots from just £45 Email:

CLASSIC COMMERCIAL DRIVE IN DAY: Taking place outside on Sunday, everyone is welcome. There’s no charge and no need to book….. If you would like to display your vehicle, just turn up with your classic commercial before 9:30am on the Sunday morning.

All Trader / Exhibitor Space Full

As from today (1st February 2025), all our spaces are full.

Case IH

We are really pleased to welcome Case IH Club UK to this years' show.

Features for 2025

Start your New Year resolutions off with a bang by making Saturday 22nd - Sunday 23rd February a red-letter weekend: